Capture the flag

Setting Up

First of all, a big open space just isn’t going to work. Since a big part of this game involves hiding and ducking around corners, a more forested area would be ideal. As far as how many players you need, it doesn’t really matter as long as both teams are equal (although at least five per team is generally a good number). The playing field must be divided into three areas, with the two teams separated by a neutral space. Each team must hide their flag somewhere in their area, making sure that nobody from the opposing team can see where it is. If you don’t have a couple of flags handy, pretty much anything will do (stuffed animals, CDs, a poster of Hilary Duff, etc).


Playing the Game

Now, both teams get five minutes to hide their flags. Once the flags are hidden, the game begins. Obviously, in order to win the game, you must capture the other team’s flag (duh!) and bring it back to your own territory. But if an enemy team member grabs you while you’re standing on their part of the field, they are allowed to take you straight to jail (which is a small patch of land in their territory). You can be freed from jail if one of your team members touches you, and there’s no limit to how many times you can be thrown back into the slammer. Though the game works best outdoors, there’s no reason why you couldn’t play inside on a rainy day!

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